Blog Archive
- Happy New Year!
- Stepping Out With My Baby ...
- All American Manhood....
- Back to the Beefcake Future ?
- You Should be Dancing !
- Happy Holidays ...
- Happy Crimble!
- The Red Carpet of Love is Rolled Out again...
- Fab New Percy Jackson Poster !
- I'm With the Band
- Its the Christmas Magazine You've Been Waiting For !
- Lock Up Your SideKicks ! Its Big Daddy !
- Hungry Like The Wolf !
- Danger Will Robinson Danger !
- Suddenly Last Summer ....
- Remember when the boys were all electric?
- Your the One that I want !
- Tom handled Giant Nick Beautifully ...
- Battle Of The Hot Buns !
- ' Probe Me ! ' Its Logan H !
- Rare Photographs: John and Cynthia Lennon, Trinida...
- Sixties Ad's: Lolita
- Eyelash Wishes
- Taylor is the Teen of Steel !
- Los Beatles in Spain
- On the Fourth Day of Christmas .....
- Holy Heroes ! Its Red Mist !
- Taylor Rides the Waves Of Fame !
- Get a dose of them in jackboots and kilt...
- Adieu Lloyd
- Lucas is All Manned Up !
Stepping Out With My Baby ...
All American Manhood....

Whilst putting together ' Back to the Beefcake Future ' post below I came across more magazine covers than I could squeeze in to that post . This collection of covers from American Manhood , I thought were rather fabulous , with its cover stars rippling muscles , moving from the sea to the airfield in one mighty flex .

A Cure for Constipation ?

A Virile Magazine !

Synchronised Swimming ?

All purpose Action Hero Sam Worthington battles Mega Shark !
Finally some of Bob Mizer's wonderful photographs....

It can truly be said that Lucas Till has indeed manned up .
Back to the Beefcake Future ?

The Bodies Beautiful

Being the festive season I thought I should read my Bible again 'Idol Worship ' . I became particularly fascinated by the sheer number of Male Physique magazines around in the fifties and their names . From ' Adonis to ' The Young Physique' all of which now seem quite innocent portraits of the young athletic male in all his glory that waited inside for their readers .
I kept thinking of the parallels between 'The Montgomery Clift ' of his generation', Taylor Launter and his fifties brethren , with his stunning physique being admired by well practically everyone , with the mainstream press pondering Taylor's jail bait quality. This past year I wonder is there a magazine that Taylor hasn't been on , its a bit like Leo mania on of course a smaller scale , where you couldn't pick up a magazine and see Leo's golden bangs looking right back . Taylor , although he hasn't had the rush of unofficial biographies , that came whizzing out at the height of Leo mania , has managed to become cover boy to Entertainment Weekly , Teen Vogue and their cursed shirts on stipulation and of course 'Men's Health' where you can learn 'Why Taylor Lautner's an MH Guy' and discover 'New Moon star Taylor Lautner's secret formula for big screen abs' . Oddly Taylor's muscled torso stays fully covered on the cover .
'The Men's Health' feature on Taylor could though linguistics aside come from the pages of 'The Young Physique' except they would have rightly ensured Taylor was shirtless or like Taylor's 'Rolling Stone' cover and photo shoot provocatively posed and playing football in a tight pec and ab hugging wet T shirt .
Who Knew ? Rolling Stone and The Young Physique share a common bond
Taylor of course wasn't the only dreamboats to go back to the future when our couple of the summer Carter J and Austin B showed just what two teen idols could accomplish with an unlimited gym membership . Carter complete with posing pouch and guitar to hide his modesty from a prying media and stunned crew , showed in the words of Vera what a 'Banging bod' he had . Not to be out done gym bunny buddy Austin slipped into a pair of boardies , took to the pool and showcased a body that left even Taylor Lautner's personal trainer breathless .

Austins photo shoot appeared in Pop Star Magazine , but Austin's marvelous muscles would have been equally at home in the pages of ' Adonis ' magazine where I'm sure they would have found room for Carter and Lucas Till too.

Then like now , a tantalizing covers made sure it caught the readers interest on the news stand .
Clash of the Titans
You Should be Dancing !

You Should Be Dancing !- Simon and Mickey
The Other day a friend asked me had I seen 'Beautiful People' yet , to my shame I hadn't I'd even let the first series float over my head . Thanks to the wondrous iPlayer, I soon caught up with the trials and tribulations of Simon , close friend Kylie and his family . Apart from loving the eccentricity of the family and of course identifying with Simon . I was struck by the similarity to 'Glee' in that the characters break out in song moving the story along and like 'Glee' the song choices are pretty much spot on . I'm guessing that there are also some original songs as I couldn't place the fabulous song that Simon and Mickey sang to close the show .
I particularly liked the last episode where Simon and his wondrous gallon of slicked back bangs gelled into submission met his Dream Boy , Mickey played by Benny Gur who is so talented the London critics ran out of superlatives for his performance as 'The Boy' in national Opera’s Peter Grimes.Simon in mid pirouette sees Mickey in the playground , Mickey smiles and smolders back ,a tricky combination at the best of times .

Across a crowded Playground...

' That's the Look , The Look of Love '
But before Simon can sing 'I need Hero' the door is unlocked by Mickey who's come back to save/rescue Simon . Mickey solemnly informs Simon ' I didn't do this right ' .

S.O.S !-Save Our Simon !
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero 'till the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life
Larger than life

Faster than a Hi energy remix its Mickey to the Rescue !

Vocal Distress ! - ' I Don't think I'll be hitting those high notes for a while '
Later back at home Simon ,after writing a letter to his mom explaining that hes being bullied because hes gay . Against some lovely music Simon leaves home and heads to the bus shelter .
Where by chance Mickey pulls up on his bike , fortunately for Simon there's a bus strike so Mickey gives Simon a ' backy' and the two cycle through the shopping centre . an evocative scene that made me think of 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid' , actually it made me think more of that other great film of young romance 'Get Real' .

'When you Cycled by , here began all my Dreams '

A moment of uncertainty ...

'Yes I really am what your heart desires , anyway would you like a romantic ride home ?'

Go Mickey Go !

' That's the look , the look of love '
Back at Simon's house , Mickey confesses that he was bullied at his old school after a letter he wrote about his special someone was found .Simon cant believe his luck and in the spirit of Wham, the duo belt out a rather fab song and of course bust more than a few moves .

'Oh My God ! I always thought it was a rumour about Dean and Logan !'

' No Its all true and I read on Dreamboats that Logan's asked Dean
to the premiere of Percy Jackson '
'If its on Dreamboats it has to be true '
'Lets do a song and dedicate it to Dean and Logan !'

Bed! Bed! I couldn't go to bed!
My head's too light to try to set it down! Sleep! Sleep!
I couldn't sleep tonight.
Not for all the jewels in the crown!

I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.

I'll never know What made it so exciting;
Why all at once My heart took flight.

I only know when he
Began to dance with me I could have danced,
danced, danced all night!
Now I do hope 'Heartbreak kid Runaround Randy' from 'Ugly Betty' was watching this episode to learn this time around how to treat Justin right .
Happy Crimble!
The first Christmas Message The Beatles did back in 1963. I just lovelovelove their sense of humor.
All ready for the snow. I think this was taken on the set of The Beatles special chirstmas show/skits thingy they did every year or something like that (does this sentence even make sense?). Anyroad, I'm going to the snow tomorrow, so yeah, that's why I posted it.
The Red Carpet of Love is Rolled Out again...

Wall to Wall carpeting courtesy of Macy's
His hair has been straighted , he's got his rock gear on and now Logan Miller is ready to roll in what undoubtedly will be one of the surprise hits of next year , its already being compared to Glee , gasp as Logan Miller is 'In the Band !'. As know Ruby and the Rockits early this year had to return back to mission control and was sadly consigned to one season TV Heaven . Silly ABC family didn't they see the real asset they had in front of them ? No not David Cassidy , I talk of course of Austin 'The Body' Bulter . All the writers would have to do is this make Austins character whose name escapes me now a Triathlete ,devote at least 15 minutes of screen time showing Austin working out , maybe a bit of slow motion , slap over a song . Then in the 2ND half have the whole family come along watch Austin race and celebrate another win . Simple.
really , but back to 'In The Band'.
'In The Band ' - Synopsis
A talented middle-school guitarist ( played up and coming heart throb Logan Miller ) lands a dream gig - singing lead for his favorite has-been '80s rock band. He gets more than he bargained for, though, when he invites the aging rockers to move in with him.
Just from reading the synopsis you know this show has 'Hit' written all over it .Anyways here's another picture of Logan with his axe out .

Logan is the new Nick Sterling !
Also on red carpet last week was the teen idols actors , actor Logan ' Isn't he lovely' Lerman unlike Nicole kidman ,Logan's stylists clearly know how to make sure their client is cleared for the catwalk. Still I do miss those days when Logan would turn up with close friend Dean to premieres, with Cody popping up every now and again .

Logan good to Go !

Isn't he lovely .
I'm With the Band
It’s always about being at the right place at the right time isn’t it? For Pamela Ann Miller, who lived a freewheelin’, rock and rollin’ life to be envied, it was Los Angeles in the 1960’s. Walking down the streets of Sunset Boulevard and hanging out in Laurel Canyon and the Riot House, she became known as Miss Pamela, a member of The GTO's and super groupie extraordinaire. Not only did she set out to meet all the rock stars she idolized, from The Beatles to Jim Morrison to Led Zeppelin (to name but a few), but she became a friend to many of them and so much more. I highly recommend her book I’m With the Band, which paints a perfectly honest picture of a girl in love with rock and roll and the people who made this wonderful music. What separates Miss Pamela from the other groupies is that there is actually a brain behind that pretty face, a big heart with a rock and roll soul. She comes across as a sweet, funny, honest, friendly girl who wears her heart on her sleeve.
With Frank Zappa and The GTO's.
With The Flying Burrito Brothers, lucky Miss Pamela is in between Gram and Chris.
With Jimmy Page.
On the lap of Alice Cooper.
With Keith Moon, and a Pete Townshend thrown in for good measure.
With Michael Des Barres.
And with The Beatles. She actually got to meet each one individually. Bumped into George a few times out and about LA, met Ringo on the set of Zappa's movie 200 Motels, Keith introduced her to John during "the lost weekend," and met Paul during an after concert party.
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