Blog Archive
- Hi Joe
- Robbie Rocks the Dreamboats Casting Couch !
- Robbie and His Kitty
- An Athlete in Tights its , Gregg Sulkin !
- Curse You ABC !
- KA- Pow - WoW ! Its Kick Buns !
- Lets Take Taylor Back to Bed ! Its another Taylor ...
- He's on the Track Team ...Its Varsity Carter J !
- Hello Sailor !
- The Following Takes Place In Real Time ...
- Le Lucas
- Oh Robbie ...
- YSL - Fall/Winter 2010-11 - Ain't Nothin; Like Th...
- Loves Got a Hold On Me ...
- Meanwhile .....
- I got More In Me and You set me Free ! Its a Carte...
- My Spideydar is Tingling !
- Rare Photographs: Chrissie Shrimpton by Richard Av...
- Marvin Asleep and Awake
- Beautiful Boys from Kira Bunse
- How to Look Stunning in a Parking Lot Part 10
- Marvin is a Mega MagaTeen !
- Did Rebel Robert Pop Rupert's Cherry Bomb ?
- He's 100% All Man ! Its Lucas Till !
- Oh L'amour ... Its Amor Crudo ! A Sundance Shor...
- Preppy Percy for Teen Vogue .
- A Total Eclipse of The Heart .
- The Beautiful Ballad Singer .
- For the Man Who always gets what his Heart Desires ..
- There Can Be Only One ! Its Percy Jackson !
- The Dreamiest Dreamboat Model.
- Lets take Taylor to Bed , Its Book at Bedtime !
- New Year Shocker ! Why Matty Why ?
- Book At Bedtime ...
- Anticaption is a Wonderful Thing ....
- This Will Be Our Year
Robbie Rocks the Dreamboats Casting Couch !
Robbie and His Kitty
An Athlete in Tights its , Gregg Sulkin !
Curse You ABC !

Fantasy Island
Curse you ABC !, first you keep Logan Hoffman up on the V mother ship , while we wait concrened about our favourite space boy's fate . Is Logan working out up there ?, has he joined the Visitors water polo team ?
Curse you ABC once more !! , When instead of saying farewell Susan in Desperate Housewives , (''Control tower to plane over Wystria Lane , please land on Lois Lane - over '')
A final curse on you ABC !!! Ugly Betty cancelled ! Just when 'Mead Publications' was on its way up and Hilda's hairdryers were blow drying at maximum capacity , ABC pulled the plug, plunging Queens and Mead Tower into darkness . As on line petitions to save 'Ugly Betty ' are signed , Justin and Hilda prepare move to Ohio to enable Justin to enrol at William McKinley High School and Marc launches an absolutely fabulous magazine on the ipad .
We can only wait and see what the writers have in store for our favorite characters . I'd love to see Betty back with Henry , maybe Daniel and Amanda together and as for Justin , well oddly this interesting casting call for episode 16 caught my eye . For this episode their looking for a character called 'Austin aged 15-17 who's good looking and has a great personality ...mmmm we shall see '

Hilda - One last blow dry ?
KA- Pow - WoW ! Its Kick Buns !

Aaron Adonis is Kick Buns !
What a fab cover ! As the Adonis in his super suit strikes a pose / vogue in the new issue of Empire , I hope and I pray that my news stand hasn't just got the Big Daddy cover ,but one never knows . Back to comic and the final issue of this run concludes with Kick Ass having recovered from literally having his buns and nuts fried , he launches into battle with Hit Girl who many say steals the film Hit Girl . Kick Ass Issue 8 ships this week .

Wow !

The Adonis - This Months Dreamboats Hero
Lets Take Taylor Back to Bed ! Its another Taylor Launter biography review

Taylor - 'more talented than all of the Jonas Brothers put together' - wow !
Another Taylor unauthorised biography and in Vic Parker's 48 page epic , we learn in the introduction that ' Taylor is cuter than Zac , fitter than Corbin' , ' Is more talented than all the Jonas brothers put together ' . Finally Taylor's I.Q. fact fans is ' Off the chart compared to Justin Biebers ' . I.Q and Jonas Brothers sandwiches aside , the book promises to find out 'What's behind those smouldering dark good looks and the muscled torso '.
The books profile on Taylor observes that 'Taylor's eyes are 'Deep Brown ' and ' are like Belgian Chocolate ' Taylor's hair is Black and 'very strokeable ' .How does Vic know all this ? call security ! . Gazing into his Crystal ball , Vic writes about Taylor's hopes for the future and questions just how true is Taylor's ambition to arm wrestle with Lucas Till ?
The readers comments are in and Twilight Grandma writes 'This was very good xmas pressy we have a Edward camp and a Jacob camp in our house love it'. Twilight Grandmas comment tells you all you need to know and you can pick up ' Taylor Launter Inside Out ' new from £1.49 over at Amazon .
Le Lucas

Lucas Pre Manning Up
Another picture of Lucas 'pre manning up' has popped up over at interview magazine . What a fab job they have done with that fantastic fringe , its almost a classic David Sylvian . The products used to achieve this stunning swish are ' Bumble and Bumble' and grooming creme.What fragrance is Le Lucas wearing ? well its Le Male by Jean Paul Gaultier , oddly I'd pegged Lucas as more of a C.K. kinda guy .
One thing that always gets me in these short profiles that magazines do , why don't they just cut straight to the chase and ask the big questions , 'Speedos , jammers, or boardies?' , boxers , boxer trunks aka thigh huggers or briefs ?', 'how many times do you work out a week' ? and 'whats your favorite sport- wrestling , water polo, diving or swimming ?' I think these should be mandatory questions when conducting these type of ' profiles '.
Loves Got a Hold On Me ...
Like millions of others I'll be going to see what could be the sleeper hit of February ' Valentines Day ' which stars the combustible dynamic duo of Taylor L as Prom Prince and yes ' The real Spidey of his generation' , Carter J . Had I realized the building controversy about the trailers I would have of course covered this much earlier . The controversy is that Bradly Cooper is playing a gay character and that his ' hey you gotta boifriend ' played by Eric Dane do not appear . I repeat do not appear in the trailers so far . Shocking !
When I watched the 2nd trailer though , I did think were my eyes playing tricks on me ? was my imagination running away with me again ? .Because it certainly did look like to me that Taylor who is preoccupied looking out to the band but at who ? Prom princess Taylor tries in vain to get her Princes attention but ends up giggling away (probably to Evil Emma) . A quick cut then to trombone player Carter beaming , who then appears to raise his instrument in salute to Prom Prince Taylor . But one more quick cut later its of course obvious that Carter was in fact beaming at Evil Emma , not Taylor . I couldn't of course help myself to put Carter and his trombone before two Taylor's pop up , rather than after in the Dreamboats version of the clip.
Talking of Evil Emma , once again she has had the last laugh . Only last summer she was determined to send exile Carter J to Vancouver , after her plan to split up our power couple of the summer backfired . Emma of course had previously exiled Action Alex to Vancouver so clearly she was going for two in a row . But in a bizarre twist of fate actually Emma exiled Austin 'Greek God' Bulter who is busy filming ' Life unexpected ' for the CW during his Vancouver exile .
The big question is not if Austin B will go shirtless when he debuts on the show , but will Evil Emma allow a L.A visting permit to Austin as she graciously did for Action Alex to enable him to continue as Muse for Greg Gorman . So will Emma issue Austin with a permit to enable him to loose his cloths and lounge in his pool , while the pop star photographer happily snaps away ?
Meanwhile .....

I got More In Me and You set me Free ! Its a Carter Jenkins Dreamboats Exclusive !

Yes , Its Dreamboats favourite , Carter Jenkins and its a pure posting pleasure to bring you these exclusive new images of Carter , with special thanks to James Worthington Demolet . Carter is photographed by Jason Nocito from the pages of forthcoming edition of Block Magazine , which reminds me a lot of the Face Magazine and thats got to be a good thing .Looking at the photograph above I couldn't help thinking was Carter showing just how awesome he would look in Spider-mans mask ? and shouldn't he be auditioning for Marc Webb who's just signed on to direct Spider-man ?

'Nim's near miss and Carter takes a Picnic at Hanging Rock'
Now as talented as Carter is , the picture above shows perhaps that Carter is no Bree Hodge when it comes to the microwave ( actually would Bree even use a microwave ? ) I do of course hope and prey that the beloved Nim was no wear near that oven went it went off .
The photograph next to 'Nims near miss ' is I think one of my favourites of the shoot and has that 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' vibe .
On screen , Carter will be breaking hearts alongside the idol of the Imax , Taylor Launter in February's 'Valentines Day' and a film that looks very interesting 'Arcadia Lost ' which I hope will get a release date later this year . Lets not forgot though as Fox confirms 'Glee's' 2nd season how cool would it be for Carter to guest star in that ?. How about Carter as Mr Shuh's
nephew who comes to stay and of course becomes involved with the Glee club , works for me !
My Spideydar is Tingling !

Yes the other week , Sony did what the Sinister Six could never do and defeated the web slinger as they decided not to go ahead with Spider-man 4 and kicked the Spider-man franchise into Reboot putting Peter Parker back into high school . After Spider-man 3 I think this is actually a sweet move by Sony , mainly because it gives us another actor to take on the part of our friendly neighboured Spider-man . In the comics taking over from Steve Dikto , Johnny Romita gave us a good looking Peter and as other artists took over , there appeared to be no end of situations where Peter would loose his shirt or during a battle his costume would become so torn , it was falling off of him .
Who then could slip into super hero spandex , look luscious in Spidey Lycra and still pick up Aunt Mays drugs from the chemist . Over on Superhero Hype I was surprised that Logan as Spidey was so popular , so it would seem Percy Jackson really is raising his profile . Another popular choice was for Adonis Aaron , who of course is in fact playing the Spider-man of his generation 'Kick Buns' .
The legendary Dreamboats casting couch has once again been since Action Alex karate chopped in half , so let the casting begin .

Marvin Asleep and Awake
I could watch Marvin waking up and getting dressed all day ,
pity he didn't have a shower.
Beautiful Boys from Kira Bunse

Book at Anytime - Electric Youth Magazine
More Megateen Marvin from Electric Youth Magazine
I really must pay a lot more attention to the work of Kira Bunse , Luis Vengas very talented photographer of choice.
How to Look Stunning in a Parking Lot Part 10

Baby , You Drive My Car !
Just as Action Alex took time to perform some stunning gymnastics for Greg Gorman in a train yard . The Idol of the Imax looks fabulous as he steps out after a bite to eat . How nice though that Taylor was with Sara his high school sweetheart , Sara ages ago , I'm sure mistakenly linked this classic Dreamboats video of Taylor apologizing to Zeke and Ringo in what I thought was quite a touching mash up , to her myspace .
Marvin is a Mega MagaTeen !

MC Marvin
but thanks to a video on young lifter, I was soon reminded what a super magazine this is .
I have to say though actor and MC Marvin Eckerle really caught my eye , was it those fabulous cascading locks , his desire to wear the whole of the Ralph Lauren Sports collection every time he ventures out , perhaps it that smile and very possibly that body .

Imagine my surprise when Luis who created Electric Youth had posted a picture from Dreamboats to the magazines Face Book page . How cool and I have to say the accompanying promotional for Issue 5 is nothing sort of inspirational ! I must have a word with Dream Teen magazine editor about doing something similar for their next issue . I can see it now Dreamboats finest in their Calvin's ! Hooray for Hollywood !

Dreamy MC Marvin

Carefree - MC Marvin

Marvin is a Mega Teen !

Wow !
Imagine my surprise when Luis who created Electric Youth had posted a picture from Dreamboats to the magazines Face Book page . How cool and I have to say the accompanying promotional for Issue 5 is nothing sort of inspirational ! I must have a word with Dream Teen magazine editor about doing something similar for their next issue . I can see it now Dreamboats finest in their Calvin's ! Hooray for Hollywood !
Did Rebel Robert Pop Rupert's Cherry Bomb ?

Did he ?

The Big Question ? Boxers or Briefs

Heartbreak for Rebel Robert ?

Robert is Dreamboats Official Muse for January
Rebel Robert is about to film ' Killing Bono ' ( perish the thought! ) alongside Ben Barnes .I have to say that I found Ben a tad wooden in Narnia 2, but really good in the underrated ' Easy Virtue ' where he seemed much more relaxed and showed a rather fabulous comedic side . In 'Dorian Grey' I again warmed to him . Robert as Misfits and Red Riding showed as such an abundance of charisma and talent you just what to see more of him . Robert and Ben play brothers in Killing Bono '' Who attempt to become global rock stars but can only look on as old school friends U2 become the biggest band in the world. ''
I'd look on too myself , mainly at Larry Mullen U2 drummer , as Boy George memorably said ''If Bono still hasn't found what he's looking for , then he should just look behind him at his drummer ''
He's 100% All Man ! Its Lucas Till !

All Man ! Lucas on Set
I'd totally forgotten that Lucas has made another movie and did his own stunts , as I was totally preoccupied with Lucas chopping off his fantastic fringe and declaring that he was all manned up to save the world from yet another Alien invasion in 'Battle LA' . So grab your snow boots and head over to the theatre , where you can see Lucas as 'shock' a bad guy in 'The Spy Next Door' . Lucas plays a Russian spy and I love how Lucas describes to Teen Hollywood how he prepared for the role , Like Taylor he's all about the Method .
''I played a lot of "Grand Theft Auto 4" right before I went in to do that, a bunch of Russians in that video game and I play a lot of video games. I showed up on set and asked Bryan Levant (director) if I was going to be using an accent and he goes 'Huh? You know what, sure, why not?' So I'm glad I had all that prep''.

Lucas - A Manned Up Method Man !
Despite being told by Jackie Chan's stunt team that he punched like a girl ( easy tigers this was before he manned up !) I thought Lucas looked well 'Matt Damon' as he went 'Mano et Mano' with Jackie in a clip I caught .

Manned Up ! - That Firm Jaw Line !
Teen Hollywood had the pleasure of talking to ' The Hot Lucas Till ' and Lucas it appears is in fact a Lover of Greek God Mythology , baffling I know and yet it all makes sense .
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