MC Marvin
but thanks to a video on young lifter, I was soon reminded what a super magazine this is .
I have to say though actor and MC Marvin Eckerle really caught my eye , was it those fabulous cascading locks , his desire to wear the whole of the Ralph Lauren Sports collection every time he ventures out , perhaps it that smile and very possibly that body .

Imagine my surprise when Luis who created Electric Youth had posted a picture from Dreamboats to the magazines Face Book page . How cool and I have to say the accompanying promotional for Issue 5 is nothing sort of inspirational ! I must have a word with Dream Teen magazine editor about doing something similar for their next issue . I can see it now Dreamboats finest in their Calvin's ! Hooray for Hollywood !

Dreamy MC Marvin

Carefree - MC Marvin

Marvin is a Mega Teen !

Wow !
Imagine my surprise when Luis who created Electric Youth had posted a picture from Dreamboats to the magazines Face Book page . How cool and I have to say the accompanying promotional for Issue 5 is nothing sort of inspirational ! I must have a word with Dream Teen magazine editor about doing something similar for their next issue . I can see it now Dreamboats finest in their Calvin's ! Hooray for Hollywood !